Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Retirement - hard work for little money

Retirement is not for the faint of heart. Immediately went into high gear, cutting down trees, painting rooms, trailering 650 lbs of unused Olympic weights and an equally heavy squat rack and bench to Escalon - making room for Ann's crafts, installing a new salt based water softener and yes the trip to Cinque Terre, Firenze and Siena. Don't look for me on Bishop Peak any days but Sunday morning at 7:30. I now do Ann's 4-mile loop daily at 7:00. It is easier on gas, and better yet easier on the knees. We still manage about 24 miles a week. I could still be persuaded to make the trip into SLO if anyone wants company on Bishop. Lots of time to talk about our planned attacks of Mt Whitney and Half Dome this summer and possibly a two-month portion of the AT. I have almost convinced Ann to start carrying our fully loaded packs on our daily loop.........hmmm

Tom L., thank you for the widlflower pics out on the plains. Steve G. took some great pics on the Salmon Creek hike the day after my retirement, wild flowers and some creepy critters.

kBlogs photos can be seen a

Now that I have three independant water softening systems functional and I can safely say that nothing but salt works to actually soften water. The Pelican system only breaks the calcium down into smaller particles, as does the So Soft magnetic system. These systems de-scale plumbing to some extent, but that was not the desired result. If someone tells you the no salt systems are a viable alternative send them this way, I have working proof they are not. Hard water is no longer an alternative after getting the soft stuff back in the pipes. Removing a years worth of calcium build up was not an easy chore. We still drink and make ice from the hard stuff, gotta get your minerals some way.

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